
Showing posts from April, 2021

7 Types Of Personal Protective Equipment

  Personal Protective Equipment or PPE are important safety tools that need to be used by every construction worker during the onsite work. Every building contractor services must provide seven important PPE tools to their staff to ensure basic safety. Here is a list of essential protective gears to buy from a Construction Supplies Online Shop- Helmet- Protects the heads from sudden fall from the heights and during uncertain hazards like building collapse.  Gloves- These are important PPE tools that should be worn by all construction workers to keep their hands protected from cement mixtures, edgy objects, and scratches. Good quality gloves serve for a longer time without the chance of getting torn.  Bodysuit- Another important PPE gear that keeps the body and the dress clean and protected during the construction work. High-quality bodysuits are comfortable to wear and easy to remove.  Boots- Another important construction protective gear, boots keep the legs prote...